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RP Italy.jpg

brisbane, australia

Teacher Training Course at Pilates Studio 64

Dates: September 8-9, 2018 - 10am-4pm

Cost: $500 early bird price through May 31, 2018
After that, price is $650

Location: Pilates Studio 64
Unit 6/707-709 Albany Creek Road
Albany Creek Q 4035
p: PO Box 458
Albany Creek, Brisbane Q 4035
t: 07 3325 5821
f: 07 3325 5823

Register below. You will be required to fill out a registration form and submitting your deposit. Please feel free to CONTACT us with any questions!

Come early and join us for a workshop,
Friday Sept 7th - 12-2pm:
Total Body Pilates with Band & Mini Ball

Can't wait to see you in Brisbane!