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South Africa


Rhythm Pilates in South Africa, Fall 2017

Cape Town

Date: October 7-8, 2017
Time: TBD
Location: Living Life Pilates
3rd Floor, The Point Mall, Sea Point
Cape Town, 8005


Date: September 29-30, 2017
Time:  10AM - 4PM
Location: Body Intellect
No 3. 14th Street
Cnr Brooklyn Rd
Menlo Park, 0081

Register by choosing a payment option from the dropdown menu below, and then filling out the following registration form (make sure you note which location) and submitting your deposit. Please feel free to CONTACT us with any questions!

I can't wait to see you next Fall in South Africa!

Please choose the appropriate payment option to register.
1. Payment in full of $350.
2. Non-refundable deposit of $150 upon registration, and balance of $200 due August 4, 2017.