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Interview with Alicia Head

Lisa Hubbard

Alicia Head has been involved with Pilates, Dance and GYROTONIC® for over 21 years and she is still learning! Alicia loves to watch movement with an 'inner eye', studying quality over quantity - the 'how' and 'why', not just the 'what'. She explores ways to cue movement from the inside out to improve skills, but also to promote a healthier way of being. Alicia believes that moving with integrity can be deeply rewarding as well as beautiful to watch. She works with teachers and dancers primarily, but also has 'normal people' as clients. Her Pilates training is from Long Beach Dance Conditioning, developed by Marie-Jose Blom and she has studied GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® with Juliu Horvath. She is the owner of UP Studio in Long Beach ( formerly known as Long Beach Dance Conditioning), is a Teacher Trainer for the LBDC program (now held at Studio 3 Pilates in Anaheim), and is a Specialized Master Trainer for GYROKINESIS.

Tell us about a little about your background and how you discovered Pilates. 

I was living in San Francisco and studying ballet. I had an injury and went to a lecture by Elizabeth Larkam given at St. Francis Memorial Hospital Center for Sports Medicine. Then, I started taking regular classes at the Dance Medicine clinic there and worked with Elizabeth, Patrice Whiteside, Nora St. John, Joy Petrash, and Mercy Sidbury.

Where did you receive your Pilates training? 

With Marie-Jose Blom, who created the Long Beach Dance Conditioning Teacher Training program.

How long have you been teaching? 

23 years

Where do you teach? 

UP Studio (formerly Long Beach Dance Conditioning) What is your favorite Pilates exercise and why? Rolling Like a Ball, because provides massage through deep strength, rhythm, coordination, balance and flexibility. And it's FUN - teaches you not to take yourself so seriously! What are some of your hobbies and interests? Choral music, hiking, good food, philosophy and religion.

Who has been one of the most influential persons in your journey of Pilates?

Without a doubt, Marie-Jose Blom

What is your favorite song/food and drink? 

"Let it Be" by the Beatles/Mexican food/India Pale Ale - as bitter as possible!


Lisa Hubbard

Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, the hustle of traveling and changing up your daily routine can take a toll on your mind and body.  While traveling away to a new destination can be exciting and bring new memories, it is also important to keep the body strong because no one likes traveling with new aches & pains. Check out these tips to help you keep moving, feeling strong and not as overwhelmed and defeated when you return back to your regular workout schedule.

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Rhythm Pilates in Denver this February

Lisa Hubbard

by Amy De Sa

As a studio owner and teacher, it is very important to offer a variety of classes to accommodate many individual’s different needs and desires. Whether it be equipment classes, Pilates mat classes, balls and props mat classes, or barre and yoga classes that offer a fusion or complementary methods of exercise, Rhythm Pilates offers an opportunity to experience the Pilates Mat work with music. The exercises are performed rhythmically to create class routines that are fun and innovative, thus Rhythm Pilates! I am very excited to offer this new class to our clientele in the New Year! 

As Pilates professionals, it is critical to stay up to date with the most recent work, changes and research that continues to evolve in our industry. My role in this dynamic culture has been diverse in both business as a studio owner (Pilates Denver), hosting teacher training courses and in education as a Pilates teacher trainer (BASI Pilates Faculty) as well as teaching a numerous and varied clientele for two decades. I have experienced the growth, challenges and positive outcomes in the industry for over 20 years.

I am very thankful for each and every part of this journey as it has established a rewarding career path and has continued to stimulate my passion for learning, teaching and for helping others. I have the opportunity to help people improve their bodies, minds and well being, to teach and mentor students to have this same opportunity, to create a positive team work environment for my staff and a community for our clients, to create many meaningful relationships with clients, staff and colleagues and to continue to learn along the way.    

We are amazingly lucky to have such a gift to experience and to share!  

This Thanksgiving I give thanks to all in the community as we continue to learn, grow and share in our ongoing journey as Pilates and movement practitioners. 

Please join us February 6-7 for the Rhythm Pilates course to enhance your passion and to continue your journey!

Hope to see you!