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Meet Lisa

Lisa Hubbard is the Creator and Founder of Rhythm Pilates® and is an Associate Faculty Member for world renowned BASI Pilates®. She is an internationally recognized Pilates figure in the industry and has been featured in many award winning Pilates projects, including DVDs, textbooks and is a second-time cover model for Pilates Style Magazine®. She has dedicated over twenty years to training in the method and has been teaching for over eighteen years. In addition to her dance background, she holds certifications in GYROTONIC®, The National Pilates Certification Program, Yoga and owns a successful private Pilates studio in Southern California. Lisa is an inspiration to many movement practitioners whom have found her wealth of knowledge and creativity to only be surpassed by her fantastic energy. She is continuously recognized by her peers and by industry specialists as an outstanding representative of the Pilates method. Lisa has been featured presenter at the prestigious Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals in China and Hong Kong at the Asian Fitness Education Expo.

Lisa’s award-winning projects include:

  • “Element Total Body Pilates with Mini Ball” DVD, 2011 – Winner of’s “2012 Readers’ Choice Award for Best in Pilates”.

  • “Element Total Body Pilates with Mini Ball” DVD, 2011 – Voted “2012 Year’s Best Fitness DVDs-Best for All Levels” by Organic Spa Magazine.

  • “Pilates Anatomy”, textbook by Rael Isacowitz and Karen Clippinger, 2011

  • “Pilates Wunda Chair”, DVD with Rael Isacowitz, 2008

  • “Pilates”, internationally acclaimed textbook by Rael Isacowitz, 2006

  • “Rael System 17 and 27″, DVD series, 2004, – Voted Best Pilates Product for 2006 by Health Magazine.

Lisa continues to create her on-demand programs and has launched her 'Pilates for Beginners' Program with Openfit, offering live classes. She shares her passion for movement and is honored to be amongst the highest caliber and most distinguished instructors in the industry as a visiting instructor at Pilates Anytime, showcasing her Rhythm Pilates total body workouts. Her online classes are one of the sites’ most popular, having been in the top five.

Lisa teaches Pilates, GYROTONIC® and Yoga in her private studio to a diverse clientele including both professional and young aspiring dancers, ice skaters, athletes, martial artists, Pilates instructors, as well as the beginning student. She also works with the geriatric population providing specialized instruction to meet their unique needs. Lisa’s classes focus on anatomy, alignment, proper technique and well-being.

Her passion, commitment and dedication to excellence in teaching empower her to enhance her skills through continuing education of the body-mind-spirit techniques, daily training and a balanced lifestyle.

At home in California, Lisa devotes her time to her family and their two cats, friends, and enjoys reading, travel and various outdoor activities.

GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of GYROTONIC® Sales Corp and are used with permission.

Questions? Use our CONTACT page to get in touch with someone on the Rhythm Pilates team.